(From the "ABCs of Rotary")

  • Rotary became bilingual in 1916 when the first club was organized in a non-English- -speaking country--Havana, Cuba.
  • Rotary established the "Endowment Fund" in 1917, which became the forerunner of The Rotary Foundation.
  • Rotary first adopted the name "Rotary International" in 1922 when the name was changed from the International Association of Rotary Clubs.
  • Rotary first established the Paul Harris Fellows recognition in 1957 for contributors of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
  • The Rotary club which first held meetings on a weekly basis was Oakland, California, the Number 3 club.
  • The Rotary emblem was printed on a commemorative stamp for the first time in 1931 at the time of the Vienna Convention.
  • The first Rotary club banner (from the Houston Space Center) to orbit the moon was carried by astronaut Frank Borman, a member of that club.
  • The first Rotary International convention held outside the United States was in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1921.
  • The first head of state to address a Rotary convention was U.S. President Warren G. Harding in 1923 at St. Louis.