The Honduras Project took center stage at the Service Above Self Awards Dinner on November 4 as PDG Janice presented a photo board about the project using photos sent by Peace Corps Volunteer Brent Loree and his family. The Project also was featured on the inside cover of the Awards Dinner Program Journal.

One stumbling block that would have made it difficult to use Rotary Foundation matching funds is the fact that Honduras is part of a Future Vision District – and D7470 is not. PDG Janice has obtained the cooperation of a neighboring district that is a Future Vision District, and with the support of our District and neighboring clubs, we should be able to gather funding for the project.

The project will create a community library in the municipality of Tomalá, Honduras.  The municipality of Tomalá is located in the department (state) of Lempira near the southwestern border with El Salvador.  The community library that will facilitate the access to books and reading material for students and other community residents, while also offering services to improve the overall educational environment for the community.

The local Rotary Club in Tomalá will be a partner for this project.

The next step will be to prepare a grant application for the district Foundation Committee’s consideration.    The South Orange Rotary executive committee will make the determination as to how much our club will contribute and hopefully other clubs and organizations will join in this project. The next stop for the Honduras Project Display Board is the South Orange Public Library.